
Patient Portal

Patient portal of Rede D’Or São Luiz.


Working in a digital product of one of the biggest hospital networks of Latin America envolves many challenges, given that we have a huge number of users and we are a large team.

My role

As a member of the squad, my role was to provide the best user experience for the patients, to help define business strategies and to discover new opportunities.

01 - Discover



How to find problems?

To improve user experience and reach business goals, it’s a constantly work to find the root of the problems. There are some everyday work activities:


Continuous discovery

To solve the challenge of organizing the product improvement and growth strategy, I worked using Theresa Torres’ Opportunity Solution Tree technique. What helped me to always keep deliveries in line with the company’s KPIs, always have new opportunities to be tested and keep a product evolution cycle in an organized way, that is easy to communicate and visualize progress.

Opportunity Solution Tree
02 - Define



Multiple patients

The Patient Portal only allowed a single account per person. Considering that family members have to manage the health of children, elderly and even teenagers, these users needed to create an account for each patient, having to remember many passwords and perform many tasks.
So how might we create an easier way so that the user could manage the health of all their family members?

Approximately 30% of the brazilian population
needs help to manage their health.

My health

Health information is essential in different moments of patient care, and besides it’s very helpful for the doctor’s work, patients often need to access it over their lives. Patient data are collected everyday using forms in many digital products of the company.
So how might we create a place to concentrate the patients’ health data, so that they can access it whenever they need it, and also facilitate the filling out of forms that the patient fills in many digital products of the company?


With so many users with varying ages, personalities and lifestyle, there are many differences in how they prefers to be notified. It is very particular how invasive each type of notification is.
So how might we create a notification system that covers all their own preferences?

My doctors

With the high demand for patients to share test results with their physicians, an opportunity to optimize this process has opened up.
So how might we offer a way to automatically share test results with doctors?

Landing Page

As the patient portal is an exclusive area, we have to communicate for future patients, that they’ll have access to various features once they become a patient.
So how might we create a website that advertises all portal services?

03 - Develop



Activities for developing solutions

04 - Deliver








05 - Final Words

Final Words

I started working in the Patient Portal in June 2020, at the very beginning of the product, and it was a very enriching experience, being part of the product’s growth, in which, in 7 months, it had already reached 6 digits of medical exams viewed, and in 1 year, a few hundred thousand registered users.

The daily challenge of dealing with a huge number of users and technical challenges was only possible with a very experienced team with an impressive technical variety, composed of product owners, developers, architects, scrum masters, in which I was able to grow a lot working together and experiencing the process of digital transformation.

I could not fail to mention the opportunity to follow the scaling of the design team, the processes that was established, the designOps initiatives, the exponential growth of the team and the impact on the company’s results.